Amethyst Bouquet Angel

Amethyst Bouquet Angel


This unique handcrafted Earth Wish Angels Amethyst Crystal Bridal Bouquet Keepsake Accessory is a lovely way to enhance the bridal bouquet for that special bride. This Angel Keepsake accessory hangs from the bouquet, attached with white pearled beaded bridal ribbon. Top-quality Amethyst crystal wings, along with crystal quartz chips frame the neck and back of the Earth Wish Angel. The Bride's personal birthstone (a Swarovski crystal can be added for the Bride's birth month; custom orders are encouraged for bouquets using the bride’s wedding colors). The Earth Wish Angels Keepsake is a symbol of love and commitment, along with many blessings in the years ahead for the newlywed couple.

Amethyst Crystal Stand Sold Separately

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